por Jorge Krekeler

Art 52. Of rustic bread and authentic coherence

 While walking along Medellín Street on our way to the downtown area of Mexico City, we bought a loaf of bread by pure chance. The bread did not last long as the family ate it in no time at all. We went back to buy again at the same place, when Iván invited us to visit the bakery, the mill and told us about some of the many secrets to make artisan bread. Since then, a year passed, time that made Almanaque del Futuro grow even more curious to cover this motivating experience that speaks of real bread and authentic coherence.      

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Art 49. Incidence from the chacra

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler What began in the 1990s in Peru, with the struggle against the indiscriminate use of pesticides,

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Art 48. What are we called to be?

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler This motivating experience is about Lore and Feli, about these two characters, with their children Sara

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