Art 53. Women farmers need to value ourselves
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler What happens when people seeking a transition to regenerative ways of life re- ceive a basic
In Monquentiva, a village in the municipality of Guatavita in Colombia, three genera tions of farmers associated with the COLEGA de Guatavita Cooperative are demon- strating that their cooperative tradition allows them to face with optimism some of the great challenges posed by the global changes affecting humanity. The cooperative, managed by José Ignacio Tamayo and presided by Elías Romero, is celebrating its 25th anniversary, reaching higher and higher levels of welfare for its 50 members, thanks to a practical interpretation of cooperatives under its particular social, environmental, economic and political conditions.
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler What happens when people seeking a transition to regenerative ways of life re- ceive a basic
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler While walking along Medellín Street on our way to the downtown area of Mexico City, we
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Medioambiente y desarrollo por Jorge Krekeler Hurricanes are tropical cyclones and consist of storms with extreme winds and deluge rains. We have