por Jorge Krekeler

Art 48. What are we called to be?

This motivating experience is about Lore and Feli, about these two characters, with their children Sara and Juan, and revolves around the challenge we all know in our lives, in the search for the answer to the question: what are we called to be? After a very brief interlude in conventional life, Lorena and Felipe opted for more than gratifying bets: to build an associative experience in full horizontality, circumscribed to alpine landscapes in tune with dignified crafts manship and the option of permacultu ral family life, embraced by the forest.   

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Art 47. Mutual nurturing

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler  In Catachilla and Rancho Nuevo, two communities in the municipality of Santivañez, Cochabamba – Bolivia, a

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Art 46. Sun burns free

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Economía y mercado por Jorge Krekeler In the highlands, north of the Mexican capital, there is sun all day long, more than

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