por Jorge Krekeler

Art 46. Sun burns free

In the highlands, north of the Mexican capital, there is sun all day long, more than three hundred days a year. When Gregorio came from Germany to do a social year in the diocese of Tula, he only knew the climate of his home land. It became a lifelong challenge for the young man to discover and further develop ways to use the energy provided by nature. He man- aged to locally manufacture a solar heater, a pioneering model in its time that can still be found on the roofs of many hotels and residences in the area. Since then, inventions have become the guiding thread of Gregorio’s life, a self-taught man with a long life. With his company Trinysol, he remains true to his motto: “Concentrated solar power for everyone and everywhere”, with unique approaches.

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Art 56. Women who do not stop

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler “We are farmers, we are leaders, we are mothers, we are wives”, is the testimony of

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