por Jorge Krekeler

Art 45. Jarillas and social fabric

 Jarillas, elsewhere better known as Caña Brava (a type of cane), is a reed that usually grows on the marshy banks of rivers. Tlacotal, the Nahuatl name for the place where jarillas grow, is a community in Iztacalco, one of the mayorships in the southeast of Mexico City. The Miramontes River, at that time emblematic for Tlacotal, became a canal; but the jarillas are still in the orchard of the Cultural Center that bears the same name. This cultural center is a reference for Mexico City for being managed from the territorial community, cohesioning the social fabric and the sense of community at the scale of the neighborhood locality, with a tireless work from the culture and urban identity. It is an icon for the development and self-determination of an urban community, involving the third generation, giving tangible form to the demands of the people of Tlacotal in their struggle for the right to the city.  

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Art 49. Incidence from the chacra

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler What began in the 1990s in Peru, with the struggle against the indiscriminate use of pesticides,

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Art 48. What are we called to be?

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler This motivating experience is about Lore and Feli, about these two characters, with their children Sara

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