por Jorge Krekeler

Art 44. Menthi Goyo

The Mezquital Valley, in the Mexican highlands above two thousand meters above sea level, 4 hours north of Mexico City, has been for centuries the most important production area of aguamiel, the sweet juice harvested from magueys, appreciated since the times of the Aztec Empire. The climate, with a lot of sun during the day and cold nights, as well as the semi-desert vegetation favor the use of maguey and nopal cactus. The indigenous Hñähñu families, the original inhabitants of the valley, planted maguey (agave salmiana) and nopal cactus, producing pulque, the fermented drink made from aguamiel and maguey honey, a concentrated sweetener of the aguamiel (mead: an alcoholic drink made from honey). The colony and then modernity seemed to put an end to this cultural work, but there seems to be a rebirth of this ancestral agriculture, rejuvenated thanks to innovation.     

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Art 47. Mutual nurturing

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler  In Catachilla and Rancho Nuevo, two communities in the municipality of Santivañez, Cochabamba – Bolivia, a

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Art 46. Sun burns free

Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Economía y mercado por Jorge Krekeler In the highlands, north of the Mexican capital, there is sun all day long, more than

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