Art 53. Women farmers need to value ourselves
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler What happens when people seeking a transition to regenerative ways of life re- ceive a basic
AulaViva Tropical is the name of the farm of brothers Jose and Juan Pablo Zarate, located in the plains municipality of Lejanias in the department of Meta – Colombia. The farm is a fairly complete agro-energy model, result of the conviction of the people. Water, sun, biomass and micro-organisms are used, in a friendly and sustainable way to generate energy in different ways. The energy balance is absolutely positive. The approach of the farm also incorporates people, practicing collaborative and reciprocal logics, viable in spite of (or precisely because of) the currency shortage. AulaViva Tropical is a site of inspiration and empowerment for some and a place where experiences are shared for others. In short: a place that makes energy f low.
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler What happens when people seeking a transition to regenerative ways of life re- ceive a basic
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler While walking along Medellín Street on our way to the downtown area of Mexico City, we
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Medioambiente y desarrollo por Jorge Krekeler Hurricanes are tropical cyclones and consist of storms with extreme winds and deluge rains. We have