Art 47. Mutual nurturing
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler In Catachilla and Rancho Nuevo, two communities in the municipality of Santivañez, Cochabamba – Bolivia, a
Human settlements such as Virgen de la Candelaria, on the outskirts of Lima, are a very frequent phenomenon in large cities. Low-income families are looking for a place to live close to the apparent economic and educational opportunities of the metropolis. Selective laws and norms result in the consolidation of these neighborhoods and make the progress of their habitants extremely difficult. These conditions force majorities in large cities to find an informal housing solution, dealing with a perverse logic of laws that are not made for those who have been taken to critical circumstances by the development model. This situation ends often in a paradoxical picture: majorities of the population excluded by laws that protect the interests of the system instead of responding to the needs of the majority.
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler In Catachilla and Rancho Nuevo, two communities in the municipality of Santivañez, Cochabamba – Bolivia, a
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Economía y mercado por Jorge Krekeler In the highlands, north of the Mexican capital, there is sun all day long, more than
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Medioambiente y desarrollo por Jorge Krekeler Jarillas, elsewhere better known as Caña Brava (a type of cane), is a reed that usually