Art 53. Women farmers need to value ourselves
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler What happens when people seeking a transition to regenerative ways of life re- ceive a basic
In the Amazonian border region of Ecuador and Colombia, the problems that threaten the population are not few: oil extraction, pollution, social violence. The testimony of Belia Vaca, inspired by the “Wiphala” system of the Environmental Clinic, is a faithful demonstration that it is feasible to change reality from oneself life, beginning processes and transformations within reach, without ignoring at the same time problems of greater magnitude. I do what I can – Belia’s motto is to awaken other people from her own testimony and concrete actions.
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler What happens when people seeking a transition to regenerative ways of life re- ceive a basic
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Producción y alimentación por Jorge Krekeler While walking along Medellín Street on our way to the downtown area of Mexico City, we
Instagram Icon-facebook Youtube Medioambiente y desarrollo por Jorge Krekeler Hurricanes are tropical cyclones and consist of storms with extreme winds and deluge rains. We have